Our online action is one of the main ways we raise money for NMDMHA. The funds from this event help cover the cost of ice, keep our equipment room full, and keep registration down.
If you or a business you know would like to donate towards our auction, please message us for details.
Important Info:Auction items need to be in by November 26th.
Auction will go live on December 2nd at 6pm
Auction will close on December 4th at 6pm
Auction item pick up night will be December 6 from 4-7 in the arena
Payments can be cash, cheque or etransfer to
[email protected]
Attention Coaches:Each team needs to put together a basket or provide an item for the online.
Please coordinate with your team on this.
Please get in touch with
Mandy with any questions.Thank you for supporting Minor Hockey